

This Debian Buster/Sid Xfce based operating system does have an optimized latest AMD non debug 1000Hz timer kernel (see 1), Padoka or Oibaf ppa Mesa master git, Steam and wine-staging with DXVK (see 2) installed. Note to select the desktop option and agree the Steam license in the installer. Click to download: You can install more software and update your system with the Synaptic program. Check from the ppa web site that it has amd64 and i386 mesa packages available before installation. Krita is a painting program, qasmixer is a tray mixer, libreoffice for the office use and rosegarden for music creation. zynaddsubfx-dssi and fluidsynth-dssi are great software synths that integrates fine to Rosegarden. Debian is the only distribution that has dssi versions of those synths. Google for Compifont, it does have good sounding samples for the fluidsynth. The zynadd synth has over 1000 presets of cool
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